How to add Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Kucoin Chain (KCS), Polygon (MATIC), or Huobi Eco Chain (HECO)to MetaMask?
What is Metamask
MetaMask was created out of the need to create more secure and usable Ethereum-based websites. In particular, it handles account management and connecting the user to the blockchain. In addition, it’s supported “browser extension” in Chrome, Brave, and Safari browsers. (They also have mobile apps).
No one can send cryptocurrency-based transactions without a crypto wallet. A wallet is a platform or an interface that allows users to store private keys and interact with multiple public ledgers.
With the creation of various decentralized coins that have their own blockchain, many people use Metamask to connect to other chains.
In this article, we will provide information on how to use Metamask to connect to Binance Smart Chain, Kucoin Chain, Polygon (MATIC), and Huobi Eco Chain.
How to add any Native Chain on Metamask
- If you haven’t set up your MetaMask yet, please refer to our previous Medium Blog article on setting it up: How to use Metamask.
- Setup a custom RPC by clicking the drop-down menu for “Networks” then clicking “Custom RPC.”
3. Fill it up with the info below based on which chain you want to use:
⚡ Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
- Network Name: Binance Smart Chain
- New RPC URL:
- ChainID: 56
- Symbol: BNB
- Block Explorer URL:
⚡ Kucoin (KCS)
- Network Name: KCC-MAINNET
- New RPC URL:
- ChainID: 321
- Symbol: KCS
- Block Explorer URL:
⚡ Polygon (MATIC)
- Network Name: Polygon Mainnet
- New RPC URL:
- ChainID: 137
- Symbol: MATIC
- Block Explorer URL:
⚡ Huobi Eco Chain (HECO)
- Network Name: Heco-Mainnet
- New RPC URL:
- ChainID: 128
- Symbol: HT
- Block Explorer URL:
You are required to enter the above data in the photo below:
4. You are all set! Well done. You can see the Native chain assets that you selected as an example below when you connect to the BSC chain you will see the BNB assets as Native assets in the metamask wallet.
You can change your network to Binance Smart Chain or another chain on the MetaMask dashboard to view your asset on other chains.
5. Next, we take a look at adding tokens that you might buy at a Pancakeswap exchanger or any DEX out there to look at in your Metamask account.
6. For example we try to add a FARA (Faraland) one of the famous NFT gaming tokens in the BEP20 Binance Smart Chain in our account Metemask.
7. First we must have a Smart Contract Address for the FARA token that can be obtained from BSCSCAN or COINGECKO to ensure that you only add the genuine and accurate address because there are too many fake Smart Contracts that imitate the original token.
8. Click “Add Token” and enter the FARA smart contract address ( 0xf4ed363144981d3a65f42e7d0dc54ff9eef559a1 ) and you will see the units of your FARA tokens.
Done, with a few steps made above now your Metamask account is able to connect to several chains of network and also able to store all the tokens in the chain only through 1 Metamask account only.
With the above steps as well, you can change the chain setting to use dApps or play NFT games where you need to change to Ethereum chain for League of KingDom games and need to change to Binance Smart Chain chain to play My Defi Pet game for example.
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